The Baptist College of Theology, Obinze- Owerri, Imo State, has commissioned legacy projects within the institution. The projects, which were commissioned on Thursday, 16th May 2024, included the gigantic dual-carriage gate with a full complement of a security house and its appurtenances, as well as a massive driveway and drainage network within the College premises. BCT Obinze………………………….Equipping the Saints for kingdom service Speaking at the event, the Chairman of the...Read More
Dr. Dawari George, the chairman of the Board of Baptist College of Theology in Obinze-Owerri, Imo State, spearheaded a comprehensive inspection of the institution’s ongoing projects and facilities. Leading a delegation of dignitaries and board members on a guided tour of the premises, Dr. George underscored the pivotal significance of the diverse developments underway, focusing prominently on the ambitious construction of a 5,000 capacity auditorium. Emphasizing the multifaceted utility of...Read More
Victor Umaru Baptist College of Theology, Obinze, Owerri; +2348060052887; +2349048305454 Abstract Transformational leadership is a prominent style that inspires and motivates followers to achieve exceptional outcomes. Such leadership is pivotal in guiding and nurturing Christian leaders towards spiritual growth and fulfilment in ecclesiastical settings. This paper explores the principles of transformational leadership as derived from Titus 1:5-9, a biblical passage that offers profound insights into the qualities and responsibilities...Read More
By Victor Umaru Lecturer, Baptist College of Theology Obinze, OwerriDepartment of Theology, Baptist College of TheologyObinze, Owerri, Imo JETHRO’S METHODS OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN EXODUS 18:17-23: LESSONSFOR DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE GOVERNANCE IN AFRICAAbstractDespite enjoying official freedom for over 60 years, Africa’sexpectations and aspirations are still primarily unfulfilled. Leadershiphas been a recurring theme in the conversation around the Africaninitiative. In order to rebuild a long-lasting atmosphere of peace andtranquility that will...Read More
The Rector’s Cup 2024 The Baptist College of Theology Obinze is not just a community of theological learning, it involves itself in the aspect of sporting activities in order to equip the students mind, getting them physically fit, putting them in good shapes of mind for the ministry ahead. Currently, the Rector’s Cup 2024 started on the 7th of March, the cup is organized every annually, each semester, comprising the...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.